Best Earrings from 17KM Official Store for Stud-Earrings Cross-Chain Pearl-Cuff Gifts Crystal Woman Fashion Zirconia Geometric
The most typical thing consumers are doing when they are shopping online Stud-Earrings Cross-Chain Pearl-Cuff Gifts Crystal Woman Fashion Zirconia Geometric is you probably guessed this one working. More than 57% of online purchasers have shopped at work. Actually there Is a good chance you are working kind of while you are scanning this article. The other well-known things that online customers do when they are shopping will be household chores, instore cross-shopping, cooking, dining out and running errands. Less than 20% of online shoppers have shopped while commuting. Thats most likely because most people in the U. S. drive to function and fewer people make use of mass transit to commute. But more than 6% of online shoppers have searched while driving and a few in addition to that have shopped online although exercising. Would everyone be careful. Of all daily activities completed while shopping, people appear to want less distraction when they are walking the dog than at any other time. That ranked lowest of all actions for the time when consumers shop online....Buy Now
Customer reviews:
Date: 07 Apr 2021Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy Global
Earring arrived quickly and in perfect condition. Prettier than photo in ad. Very sparkly. Lightweight, but feels sturdy enough. Fits well. The only thing I would change is I would angle the bottom of the earring backward slightly so it doesn't pull the ear lobe forward as much. Very pretty and unique piece of jewelry. Does not look cheap. Thanks to a great seller for a very nice product.#earrings #jewelry #fashionaccessories
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 01 Apr 2021Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy Global
super cute, i don’t know if it will corrode or not but you definitely need a stopper in the back to hook it in place
Date: 02 Dec 2020Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy Global
it’s pretty cool, i got it today. i haven’t worn it yet though .
Date: 08 Nov 2020Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy Global
one of the top crystals fell, but it looks like nothing happened
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 10 Nov 2020Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy Global
Came earlier than expected. Great quality
Date: 06 Apr 2021Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy Global
شكرا لك
Date: 13 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Saver Shipping
Сережки доехали, хоть ждала долго! Упаковка целая все устраивает! Все как в описании! Берите и не сомневайтесь, всем советую!
ставлю 5 зірочок, хоч і прийшло зламане (думаю, що це через нашу укрпошту) продавець повернув кошти ☝️ тому раджу цього продавця і сама буду замовляти.
Date: 11 Jan 2021Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy Global
super joli, comme sur la photo, envois rapide
Date: 03 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Saver Shipping
Интересная сережка, но не сильно удобная. Мне кажется спадёт легко. А так очень симпатичная. Красиво блестит, выглядит утончённо..
Date: 02 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Saver Shipping
прикольная серёжка. только у меня для неё ухо мелковато)) надо заказать другую ещё. трек отваливался,но посылка шла очень долго, потому что почти на месяц застряла в Шарапово
Date: 30 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Saver Shipping
Красиво конечно, но как их носить, мочка торчит вверх, крючек сверху соскальзывает.
Date: 10 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Saver Shipping
Отличная серёжка, очень лёгкая, прям невесомая, но есть пару минусов: веточка с бусинками зафиксирована только в одной точке, поэтому мотается(насколько не хватит, не знаю) и если убирать волосы за ухо, то серьга тянется за ними
Date: 17 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Saver Shipping
Дошло достаточно быстро, заказ был оформлен 11.11.20 пришло 14.12.20 в Сургут. Очень красивые вещицы, посылка отслеживалась
Date: 15 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Saver Shipping
всё соответствует описанию, правда думала что будет больше
Date: 22 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Saver Shipping